The Law Firm Market in Germany

Descriptions of the challenges for the different types of law firms
Authors: Christoph H. Vaagt, Thorsten Zulauf
This new book by Christoph H. Vaagt and Thorsten Zulauf is a recent study of the problems of strategic management of law firms in Germany. The starting point is the question of the development of law firms in competition in Germany over the past 20 years, which is statistically relevant, especially over the last six years. The overall market development in the various consulting segments, from the 50 leading law firms in Germany, through medium-sized offices to small offices and individual lawyers, is examined and typical developments are identified.
The key figures of the law firm at a glance!
The book contains the key figures of the law firms, as they are necessary for benchmarking. Each law firm can find out for itself whether its economic performance is above or below average.
The overall market development in the various consulting segments, from the 50 leading law firms in Germany, through medium-sized offices to small offices and individual lawyers, is examined and typical developments are identified.
Advantages at a glance
- Analysis of the competitive situation for all types of law firms
- important impulses for the economic orientation of the own law firm
- Top authors from the management sector