The cost pressure on legal departments remains high and at the same time the demands on the service model of legal departments are increasing. This balancing act forces the legal departments to manage costs intelligently at various levels and to radically align the legal organization with operational needs. Technically, instruments of process automation, artificial intelligence and analysis (vulgo: legal tech) are increasingly complementing the classic legal working methods. The role of the legal department is developing more and more into that of an advisory, process-oriented, technically skilled business unit. This requires continuous personnel and organisational development, the professionalisation of operational management and the use of technologies with the aim of consistently reducing transaction costs.
We support corporate legal departments in professionalizing the economic and operational management of legal affairs.
Depending on the task at hand, this can lead to the optimization of processes towards “just in time delivery”, thereby helping to shape corporate success on the one hand and saving resources on the other.
We make sure that they can ensure that the rule of law is part of the corporate culture and is reflected in the business processes. Where it makes sense, they have a solid system of key figures at their disposal with which they can create security and transparency for themselves, the management and the company and make the added value of the legal department plausible and comprehensible.
We advise on the establishment of conflict management systems that solve quasi minimally invasive business and internal legal conflicts in such a way that business and company peace are not affected (with the side effect that the position of the legal department in the company is sustainably promoted and any reservations that may exist are reduced).
In addition, we offer programs to comprehensively strengthen individual advisory skills.
Together with the head of legal and, if necessary, other managers, we discuss the initial situation, the pressure to change, the goal and its meaning as well as the way and the general conditions to reach it. We propose a project architecture that ensures that the important process participants are involved in such a way that the change already occurs during the joint work. A project organization ensures that the project is controlled by a jointly formed project management and that sufficient time is made available for the processing.
Unsere Beratung ist auf Wirksamkeit ausgerichtet. Wir produzieren keine Papiere and Powerpoints, die nicht umgesetzt werden, sondern moderieren die Prozesse so, dass ein neuer Konsens entstehen kann, der Antworten auf die Herausforderungen gibt und damit Veränderungen möglich macht. Als systemische Organisationsberater arbeiten wir ganzheitlich primär mit der Führung und unter Einbindung derer, die von der Thematik betroffen sind, oder auf sie maßgeblichen Einfluss haben. Wir arbeiten seit über 20 Jahren mit Rechtsabteilungen, kennen deren Themen aus der Innensicht und aus der Beraterperspektive, sind mit den Entscheidungs- und Kommunikationsprozessen in Konzernen vertraut.
Our range of customers
We can name the following cases from the last 20 years of our law firm consulting, with many examples overlapping; at the core, it is always about culture change:
- Collaboration on compliance project: analysis and conception of a compliance structure in large German research institute
- Introduction of quality management in the IP department of a DAX corporation