Our law firm benchmark tool
Our consulting work often consists of helping partnerships to understand in which market segment they are active and which options for further development arise from this. The purely number-based comparison of law firms is also becoming increasingly important, as most partners do not even know whether they are earning too little or comparably well. Above all, the question of whether the law firm is willing and able to hire employees necessary to maintain the business model of a law firm, i.e. to take the financial risk, depends on the profitability of the law firm. This is often overlooked because the partners only look at their own bottom line.
We are the only consulting firm in Germany that has data for the market as a whole as well as all its segments, because we have taken the trouble to collect and evaluate all data that could be reached since 1994. Our law firm benchmarking tool is used whenever it is necessary to help a partnership improve its economic capabilities. And it is almost always the starting point for a consultation, because it quickly becomes apparent that this is where the main problems are.